Heroes of Agnavina - The End Rivals

Heroes of Agnavina - The End Rivals
The Heroes of Agnavina – Jay, Maya, Arthur, Keith, Uriel and Lilith – have returned!

Having two Fragments of Aegis in their grasp and advancing in their goal to reforge the legendary sceptre of the Aegis and fulfil the prophecy.

Ever since their arrival in Agnavina, things have already gone awry. What the Heroes of Agnavina do not know is that much awaits them in their quest to destroy the darkness of The End, and at what price victory would bring.

The End Rivals are coming, and they will not stop until their master has risen…

With the help of the King of Battlesreach and his royal family, the Heroes of Agnavina have two Fragments of Aegis in their grasp, advancing in their goal to reforge the legendary scepter of the Aegis and fulfil the prophecy.

Ever since their arrival in the vast continent of Agnavina, things have already gone awry: most of their survivors have left their side for their own goals, rumours of monstrous forces destroying villages, Maya developing mysterious marks… What the Heroes of Agnavina do not know is that much awaits them in their quest to destroy the darkness of The End, and at what price victory would bring. The End Rivals are coming, and they will not stop until their master has risen.
Jay Ku
Jay Ku, also known as his alias Zundzer, is a young writer striving to become a famous writer and an illustrator. He was born in Hong Kong, China in 1998. His best-known hobbies include: drawing with Photoshop CS6, reading comics and books, playing computer games and watching videos on YouTube.
He currently studies in Victoria Shanghai Academy.

Publication of Jay Ku: 《The Battle of Blocks》, 《The Attack of the Enders》, The Heroes of Agnavina - The End Rivals.

關鍵字詞: Heroes|Agnavina




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